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MessagePosté: 30 Sep 2010, 17:49 
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Inscription: 09 Sep 2010, 18:28
Messages: 12
Sexe: Homme
so peoples ...hi ..how r u ...r u fine ...any way..i make this topic for me and every one have a good ideas for a tomb raider new adventures...
so my idea posed on the cradle of life .not the movie but my tomb raider game called tomb raider the cradle of life ...any way ..the story will be diferent
...not like the movie...there is several boxes ..not the pandora's only...the other boxes belong to other peoples, diferent civilisations...any way ...
i will give you just a profile,not the all idea or story...the game will begun in the croft manor in england,the bad news whene lara see in the news a massacre hapened in poor land in asia or africa 2000 peoples death by a biologique arm,a rare gaz...any way ..and the disaster news whene lara"s right hand ,the computer genius"zip" find informations that the thing wich kill peoples not a biological arm but it's a something else like a strange or magical power...you know...!...
after that he find other informations that the old friend and enemy of lara croft...amanda evert...with her powerful or magical force which she find in peru ,she find and stol one of the 5 boxes of life wich hiding in cyberia...any way...this is just the introduction and the story will be continued in a diferent locations and diferent adventures ...
so...i finishing the story(without proud i think its good) but i will see your imaginations and your ideas to the rest of the story.
any way ...what do you propose...what amanda will do ...what lara will do to stop amanda...where is the other boxes...open your mind...by

MessagePosté: 02 Oct 2010, 15:53 
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Inscription: 12 Avr 2005, 19:35
Messages: 10764
Localisation: là ou l'égalité des Hommes existe
Sexe: Homme
Heyfa...tu peux nous aider ^^

MessagePosté: 02 Oct 2010, 21:48 
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Chef Modératrice
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Inscription: 04 Mai 2004, 02:40
Messages: 5908
Localisation: Maryland (Etats-Unis)
Sexe: Femme
@tikal This sounds like an interesting story to write about. I can translate it since I'm bilingual in French and English (and yes, English is my first language), but since this is a French forum, out of courtesy, it would be nice if you could make at least a tiny effort in learning French (it's quite fun, and you can get more from the forum experience), even if you are a beginner.
Even in English, adding appropriate punctuation (a question mark at the end of a question), working on the grammar, saying "any way" less often (more as a substitute for "in any case" than for filler in a conversation) and putting caps locks on the first letter of a word in a sentence, the first letter of a name of a person or the first letter of a name of a place would help too.

Given that the majority of the members of this forum mainly know French (not everyone knows English in this forum, so if you only know English, your ability to do this group project may be limited, even if I translate your messages for them) and you seem to want to do a group fanfic project, it would be pretty hard to do this group fanfic project (or any group project for that matter) if you don't know French, but other members don't know English. You guys may have ideas to share but it would be hard to express them if there is that language divide.

Don't take this the wrong way. I just think that you would benefit more from this forum experience if you knew French (there are plenty of language resources available in bookstores and on the web) because you'd be able to interact more with other members of the forum, which is crucial in a group project like this. You'd also be able to benefit more from the features of this forum if you were able to understand the French instructions for putting opinion polls and other things.

@Antonio Je traduis le message de tikal.

"Salut les gars...ça va? J'ai fait ce topic pour moi et toute personne qui a des bonnes idées pour des nouvelles aventures de tr...
donc mon idée est basée sur cradle of life, pas le film mais mon jeu tr cradle of life...en tout cas...l'histoire sera différente...pas comme le film...il y a plusieurs boîtes...pas seulement celle de Pandore...les autres boîtes appartiennent à d'autres gens, des différentes civilisations...
Je vais donnée un avant-goût, pas toute l'idée ou histoire...le jeu commenera dans le manoir Croft en Angleterre, mais malheureusement Lara va voir dans les nouvelles l'annonce d'un massacre en Asie ou Afrique avec la mort de 2000 personnes avec une arme biologique, un gaz rare...et Zip, le bras droit de Lara, trouve des informations que le truc qui a tué ces 2000 personnes n'est pas une arme biologique mais autre chose comme un pouvoir étrange ou magique, tu sais....!

Ensuite, il trouve d'autres infos que l'ancien ami et ennemi de Lara Croft...Amanda Evert...avec sa force puissante ou magique qu'elle trouve au Pérou, elle a trouvé et volé une des 5 boîtes de vie qui sont cachées en Sibérie...en tout cas, c'est juste l'intro et l'histoire continuera dans des différents endroits et des différentes aventures...
donc...je finis l'histoire (sans orgueil je pense que c'est bon) mais je verrai vos imaginations et vos idées au reste de l'histoire.
Que proposez-vous? Qu'est-ce qu'Amanda fera? Où sont les autres boîtes? Ouvrez vos esprits...@+"

Avec effort et persévérance, un débutant peut devenir expert!

MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2010, 18:54 
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Inscription: 09 Sep 2010, 18:28
Messages: 12
Sexe: Homme
so...thank you hitsumei or the moderater for translation of the text to the other peoples right here ...and thank you for the language lesson...any way...i prefer street langage with no rules...man...i take it from the hiphop forums...you know...but i love this forum because i find more or mush interesting about the game...and i hope that i can submit a frensh texts in the future...and about the cradle of life,iam in wating for fun's ideas or opinions...by

MessagePosté: 05 Oct 2010, 17:42 
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Adjudant Chef Raider
Adjudant Chef Raider
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2008, 06:20
Messages: 1807
Localisation: De retour de Nosgoth
Sexe: Homme
Hi Tikal... I've got one question to you... How can you read french story's if you speak english? I'm curious.

C’est étrange de voir cet endroit longtemps avant ma naissance. Ces édifices seront condamnés aux ténèbres et à la déchéance. Je provoquerai leur chute et je construirai mon empire sur leurs ruines.

MessagePosté: 07 Oct 2010, 12:03 
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Inscription: 09 Sep 2010, 18:28
Messages: 12
Sexe: Homme
hi kain...you got a beautiful name you know that!...and about your question because iam algerien man...and believe me there is no algerien dont understand your language...and i know frensh peoples understand some of our too...becuse we got a long love story like we all know hah...thank you for your interesting...by

MessagePosté: 08 Oct 2010, 17:11 
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Adjudant Chef Raider
Adjudant Chef Raider
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Inscription: 13 Juil 2008, 06:20
Messages: 1807
Localisation: De retour de Nosgoth
Sexe: Homme
Thanks... thanks a lot... ok i see...

C’est étrange de voir cet endroit longtemps avant ma naissance. Ces édifices seront condamnés aux ténèbres et à la déchéance. Je provoquerai leur chute et je construirai mon empire sur leurs ruines.

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